George Jacob | Storyteller, Marketing Strategist, Maker of Things

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Jeremy's Christmas List

Dear Santa,

I’m Jeremy Lestor, from Middletown, Delaware. I’m 10. I like baseball, and I have a little brother named Brandon. It’s nice to write to you again.

I’m never sure how to start letters. Is that a good start? Do I need more of an intro? Probably not. I mean, you’re Santa Claus. You know a lot of stuff.

Before I get into the meat of this, let me say that we both know I've been good all year. I mean, I’m normally more modest, which I’m sure you also know. But now’s not a time for modesty. It’s the end of the year. I’ve built up some currency (good deeds), and I’m ready to cash it in (presents).

1. Skateboard

I would like a skateboard. I don’t want one of those small ones either, because Jonny Hitchens got insulted to tears with one of them. A regular one. So I can ride down my hill and jump over things. This is what I need right now.

2. A Gun that Shoots Mud

This would be awesome, and I don’t know where I can get one, but maybe you could get your elves to make me something. I promise I will only use it for shooting trees and planting bushes, and not on Penelope Summers, even though it would be funny to shoot her in the face while she’s waiting for the bus. (I don’t mean to call out favors, but I did go to Tommy Levinson’s party even though no one else did.)

3. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Easily the best thing in the world. I would take these in one big delivery, or over the course of the year. Whatever’s easier.

4. A Baseball Bat

Something shiny and light. If you can find one that will make my baseball team puke Kool-Aid from jealousy, then I’ll take that one.

5. A Pet Goat

Brandon wants a puppy, but I think a goat would be better. Their eyes are cool, and they headbutt stuff. I will name him Butterbean and I promise I'll feed him pellets or whatever they eat.

6. Flowers for Mom

Mom works hard and she says she doesn’t want flowers, but I know she wants flowers. She likes the big yellow ones, and the ones that look like popcorn on a twig. I’ll take like a hundred of each.

7. A Hat for Dad

Dad’s head is getting less hairy and got sunburned last summer. I think a hat would help. Do they make something like an Indiana Jones hat, but out of straw? It’d have to be really cool though, so add a dragon or something to it.

8. A Tennis Racket for Brandon

He’s not so great at baseball, so he could use this like a bat. He could also learn tennis too, which I'll watch, but only if he stops eating all the popcorn before I can have any.

9. T-shirt With a Koala in Overalls

I thought of this the other day. And now I want one. Something like this.

That’s all I can think of. But if you can think of anything else I wanted this year, add it to the list. Especially if it's awesome.

Also, please get yourself something nice.

